Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year…BUT the hustle and bustle that comes along with it can be incredibly overwhelming and chaotic, but today, I’m offering you a bit of relief. A Holiday Planner
I released my 2020 Holiday Planner to my friends a few weeks ago and I want to give you an opportunity to get a handle on Christmas for yourself.
I designed these free printable calendar and planning worksheets to help you set a focus for the holiday and strategize. It includes over 28 planning pages to help you focus on all the important details of the holidays, so you can enjoy the season without the STRESS!

What’s Included in the 2018 Holiday Planner?
- 2-page worksheet on prioritizing who matters most at Christmas
- A detailed Black Friday & Cyber Monday Shopping Plan
- Holiday Menu Planners & Shopping Lists (for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s)
- Decor Planning Guide
- Party Planning Sheets
- Budget Sheets
- Shopping Lists
- Grocery Lists

Want a Holiday Season Where You…
- Experience the joy of the Holidays sans all the madness?
- Actually, have a game plan for shopping Black Friday and Cyber Monday without feeling frantic?
- Sit down at the dinner table NOT exhausted?
- Feel like your family actually enjoyed Christmas instead of it whizzing right by?
This planner is just what you need
- I used to be the scatterbrain with a million lists and tasks to get done during the holidays.
- Sometimes I got everything done, sometimes I didn’t. But when I didn’t plan I always felt tired, out of control, and almost like I missed Christmas.
- Worse, the experience I attempted to create seemed commercial and empty.
This post originally appeared as a giveaway with these bloggers. The giveaway has now ended.
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